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Expert Chimney Cap Repair in Teaneck, NJ


Get Our Premium Chimney Cap Repair Services in Teaneck, NJ

Severe weather can lead to a damaged chimney cap leaving your chimney vulnerable to costly masonry repairs. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Omega Duct Cleaning today to have your chimney cap repaired in Teaneck, NJ.


Protect Your Chimney with a Chimney Cap Repair in Teaneck NJ

Teaneck experiences frequent thunderstorms and strong winds. If you want to protect your chimney from getting damaged because of bad weather conditions, it’s important to make sure that you install a chimney cap on it. A chimney cap acts as a protective cover, shielding your chimney from rainwater, hail, snow, and small animals like birds and rodents. Regardless of your chimney’s design, it is essential to have a properly installed cap to prevent damage. When a chimney cap gets damaged, it allows moisture to enter the chimney shaft, ultimately deteriorating the masonry work & other parts of the chimney. This can result in expensive repairs, potentially costing you thousands of dollars if not addressed promptly.

Is your chimney cap damaged? Take action today and avoid any unnecessary expenses by contacting Omega Duct Cleaning for chimney cap repairs in Teaneck, New Jersey.


Common Problems with Chimney Caps

Residue Build-Up

Chimney residue build-ups can clog chimney caps. A clogged chimney cap will not allow creosote and soot to exhume from the chimney opening leading to major ventilation issues.

Improper Installations

Chimney caps are designed in such a manner that they allow how wind can pass through. An improper chimney cap installation will disturb the wind flow, making room for drafts.

Cracks & Exterior Damages

Always keep an eye out for cracks and damages to your chimney caps. Cracks & holes in your chimney cap will allow air & moisture to enter your chimney area, causing further damage.


Why Should There Be a Chimney Cap Present on Your Chimneys?

Keeps Water Out

Water can seriously damage your chimney shaft. If there's water present within your chimney area, it becomes your worst nightmare. You may find yourself spending thousands of dollars on chimney repairs. Water or moisture can deteriorate the liner and damper of your chimney faster than you think. A chimney cap will ensure no moisture enters your chimney space.

Keep Drafts Out

When it's windy outside, cold air can enter your home through your open chimney area. It doesn't only affect the heating capabilities of your chimney but can also impact health by blowing back smoke into your home. A chimney cap will ensure you don't experience any draft problems, even on windy days.

Contains Ember & Sparks

A burning fireplace often leaves sparks and embers that flow upward. Without a chimney cap preventing these particles from escaping, they can always find their way onto the roof, leading to a fire hazard. If there are trees or power lines nearby, it's sayonara for your home in the neighborhood.

Prevents Animals from Entering

A common problem we all experience occasionally is small animals finding their home in your chimney area. A chimney cap can prevent birds and rodents from entering & causing long-term damage. If there's a tree nearby, the roots may easily fall inside the chimney from the opening, but with a chimney cap installed, you won't have to face such problems.


Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a chimney cap last?

A chimney cap can last for several years, depending on the material and weather conditions. A chimney cap lasts 5 to 10 years but can even last longer, depending on its maintenance.

How thick should a chimney cap be?

At a bare minimum, the thickness of a chimney cap must be around 2 inches on the smaller size. For larger chimney caps, the thickness must be at least 4 inches to prevent hailstorms & snowstorms from affecting it.

Can chimney caps leak?

The chimney cap or chase cover can often get damaged. As time passes, the seal between the chimney cap and the chase starts eroding, resulting in the breakdown of the cover. It leads to chimney cap leaks, and you should hire a chimney cap repair Teaneck professional.

What type of chimney cap is best?

A chimney cap made of stainless steel is the best option. Stainless steel chimney caps offer the perfect balance between cost and performance. Although they are more expensive than aluminum or galvanized steel, these chimney caps are durable & require little maintenance.


Experts in Chimney Cap Repairs in Teaneck, NJ

Regarding chimney cap repairs, Omega Duct Cleaning is a reliable chimney repair service in Teaneck, NJ. Our professionals are certified to perform all kinds of chimney repairs.

What makes us special?

All our Teaneck chimney repair services and repair works are done correctly under the supervision of trained staff. We are committed to delivering nothing less than quality customer service. Offering only the highest quality chimney repair services, we bring years of knowledge & excellence in work right to your doorstep. For more information on how we care for chimney cap repairs in Teaneck, NJ, dial (551) 369-0247 and contact us today. We will love to answer your questions as a professional Teaneck chimney repair service.

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